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Off System Sales

Capacity Available

The Off System Sales Division of South Jersey Gas may have a limited quantity of firm transportation capacity available for short term (less than one year) release on Transco and/or Columbia pipelines. 

Interested parties should see contact information below.

NOTE: Gas for resale is not available directly to end users under FERC Order 547.

Gas Available for Resale

The Off-System Sales Division of South Jersey Gas may have a limited quantity of gas supply available for sale at the SJG City Gate on Transco and/or Columbia pipelines. 

Interested parties should see contact information below.
NOTE: Gas for resale is not available directly to end users under FERC Order 547.

Long-Term Capacity

The Off System Sales Division of South Jersey Gas Company does not have any long term firm transportation capacity available for release at this time.

Long Term Storage

The Off-System Sales Division of South Jersey Gas Company does not have any long term firm storage capacity available for release at this time.

Off System Sales Contact

Phone: 609-561- 9000 ext. 6584

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