Protect Yourself from Payment Scams

Beware of Scammers

Scammers use different tactics to get victims to fall for their schemes. In some cases, they can be friendly, sympathetic and seem willing to help. In others, they use fear tactics to persuade a victim. Scammers may pretend to be from South Jersey Gas. Be aware.

Don't be a victim; be prepared.

Protect Yourself from Potential Scams

  • Scammers try to trick utility customers into providing personal or financial information.
  • Scammers use a variety of contact methods that simulate how SJG connects with you – phone, email, and in-person.
  • Never provide your social security number, banking information, or other information to anyone initiating contact with you claiming to be a South Jersey Gas representative without company-issued ID.
  • We will never require you to use only one type of payment or ask you to pay by prepaid cards, gift cards or through third party wire transfers or apps.
  • Check your monthly account statement. If you do not have a large overdue balance, it’s unlikely that you would be disconnected.
  • We will generally not demand immediate or urgent “on the spot” payments if you have not previously been contacted about an overdue balance. We use mail, phone and in-person communications to make sure you have advance notice of an overdue balance before disconnecting service.
  • Look out for unsolicited emails with links with misspellings or odd domain names. Legitimate sites take care to avoid errors. A single letter out of place might mean you’re on a fake site.
  • When searching for SJG information online, be sure you’re re-directed to
  • Always ask to see a company photo ID before allowing any utility worker into your home or business.
  • Trust your instincts. If you’re unsure, call us 1.888.766.9900.  


Imposter Scams

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  

Preventing scams involves recognizing red flags and adopting preventative measures. 

  • SJG will never send employees to your home offering cash refunds, credits, or incentives.

  • Be wary if you are urged to make a purchase with the promise of compensation or if someone offers to make a payment for you.

  • We offer a variety of payment options and would never require a specific type of payment unless your service has been disconnected. If your service is disconnected, we require cash, debit or credit card payment, no checks, or e-checks.

  • Customers scheduled for disconnection due to nonpayment will receive a letter in the mail at least ten days in advance.

  • Never provide your social security number, driver’s license, or banking information to anyone initiating contact with you claiming to be a utility representative. 

If you receive a suspicious email, DO NOT reply, click links, or download any attachments. Call us to confirm 1.888.766.9900

If someone comes to your door claiming to be a South Jersey Gas employee or SJG contractor, ask for ID. SJG employees and contractors, carry company-issued ID, and present it when requested. If you are unsure, do not let the person in your house. Call us 1.888.766.9900.


Ways to identify an SJG employee:

  • SJG employees carry ID and wear clothing with the SJG logo. (Sales Team will have an SJG sign on their vehicle’s dashboard.) 

  • Honeywell, an SJG contractor, may visit your home to share information about Energy Efficiency programs. They carry an ID that includes both the SJG and Honeywell logos. 

Most importantly, if you are unsure, call us 1.888.766.9900. Working together, we can help eliminate scammer activities.

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