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Trick or Truth? Debunking 10 of the Most Common Energy Myths

Trick or Truth? Debunking 10 of the Most Common Energy Myths

It’s fall, y’all! The mornings are crisp, the leaves have started to change, and pumpkin spice is back! But October is also National Energy Awareness Month – a timely opportunity to break down some common misconceptions about energy. 

When it comes to energy efficiency, there’s a lot of information (and misinformation) out there. By debunking some of these energy myths, you’ll improve energy conservation at home and save a few dollars on your next utility bill.

Trick or Truth?

  • Myth #1: It’s better to leave the lights on than to turn them on and off throughout the day. 
    Fact: Leaving the lights on when you don’t need them uses more energy than less.
  • Myth #2: When you turn off appliances and electronic devices, they stop using energy. 
    Fact: Most appliances continue to use power after they've been turned off. 
  • Myth #3: Running appliances at night is cheaper than during peak hours. 
    Fact: This can be true only if you belong to a specific off-peak program with your utility provider.
  • Myth #4: Handwashing dishes saves energy compared to running the dishwasher. 
    Fact: Dishwashers use less hot water than handwashing and heat the water more quickly than handwashing.
  • Myth #5: Opening the oven door while cooking doesn't waste energy.
    Fact: Opening the oven door can cause a 25-degree drop in temperature, according to, which releases heat and forces the oven to work harder to return to the set temperature.
  • Myth #6: If you set the thermostat higher or lower, your house will heat up or cool down faster.
    Fact: Setting the thermostat higher or lower won't regulate the temperature any faster, but it does require your system to work harder, which uses more energy.
  • Myth #7: Setting a shorter cycle on your appliances requires less energy.
    Fact: A quicker cycle versus a full cycle may save you time, but it doesn’t save energy, water, or money.
  • Myth #8: You’ll save energy by closing vents in unused rooms throughout your home. 
    Fact: By doing so, you are increasing energy use by making your heating and  cooling system work harder.
  • Myth #9: You’ll keep your home call cool by keeping ceiling fans on while you are away. < br/> Fact: The fan may keep you cooler when the room is occupied, but it won’t cool down the room much once it is unoccupied.
  • Myth #10: It’s more cost-effective to use electric space heaters than running your home’s heating system.
    Fact: In addition to sparking several health and safety concerns, space heaters consume a great deal of energy which will result in a higher electric bill.
Save energy and money -- check out SJG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for SJG customers.





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