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Way to Go Green!

Way to Go Green!

South Jersey Gas is proud to support Sustainable Jersey, a network of municipalities, schools and school districts working collectively to bring about a sustainable New Jersey.

Recently, Sustainable Jersey announced 55 municipalities in the state that achieved sustainability certification in 2020 – congratulations!

Sustainable Jersey certification is a free, voluntary, and prestigious designation for municipal governments in New Jersey. Municipalities that achieve certification are considered by their peers, state government, experts and civic organizations in New Jersey to be among the leaders in the state.

The municipal certification program continues to grow, with 457 participating municipalities (81 percent) and 219 towns successfully having earned certification – an impressive force, all aiming to advance Sustainability Jersey’s vision to achieve a sustainable New Jersey, one community at a time.

See the complete list of municipalities who were certified here

Way to go, Jersey!
Save energy and money -- check out SJG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for SJG customers.





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