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Easy EE Resolutions

Easy EE Resolutions
Easy EE Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions can be big or small, easy or difficult. Why not start 2023 with a few simple resolutions that will save both money and energy?

By taking just a few steps to be more energy efficient, you can lower your expenses, conserve energy and make a positive difference for the environment. Get started with these suggestions below – which offer not only savings but also convenience and simplicity.

  1. Paperless Billing – avoid clutter, reduce waste and save money (no stamps!) when you choose to receive your bills electronically. Paperless Billing also saves trees and paper.
  2. Smart thermostat – manage your home heating system for optimal energy efficiency and cost effectiveness with an easy-to-use smart thermostat. Offering customization and flexibility, smart thermostats deliver automation, remote smartphone controls and plenty of useful features to maximize energy efficiency.
  3. Low-flow fixtures – install water-saving fixtures in your sinks and showers/baths to reduce water waste without sacrificing comfort. Affordable low-flow and aerating faucets and showerheads can achieve water savings of 25%–60%, helping to lower your energy and water utility costs.

South Jersey Gas offers many more tips and ideas that will help you save money and energy throughout the house and all year long – in your kitchen, laundry room and beyond, when it’s cold or hot outside. Discover the benefits when you Conserve

Sources: South Jersey Gas,
Save energy and money -- check out SJG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for SJG customers.





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